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Control interface troubleshooting

Audio cues don't work on Safari#

If you're using macOS and the Safari browser to control your show, you may find that audio cues don't work.

  • Ensure your machine isn't muted, and that audio cues are turned on - video guide here.
  • Send some test clicks and check for audio
  • If there's still no audio, it's probable that Safari is blocking sound auto-play.

This audio block is standard Safari behaviour designed to avoid audio adverts annoying users, but needs to be removed for OctoCue.

To do this:

  • In Safari, log in to OctoCue.
  • In the top menu bar, go to Safari - Preferences
  • In the preferences window, select the 'Websites' tab from the top bar
  • In the side bar, select Auto-Play
  • Under Currently Open Websites select Allow All Auto-Play for
  • Close the preferences window and re-test the audio cues


On show control dashboard, NEXT and BACK buttons don't work#

In December 2021, we updated the show control dashboard to include NEXT and BACK buttons for admin use.

These buttons will only work on show machines are running OctoCue Receiver v1.5.1+.

If necessary, update your installations by visiting our downloads page.